Now, here is the craziness of my running schedule this week (remember: these numbers represent minutes not miles!):
Monday--Walk 5, Run 9, Walk 5
Wednesday--Run 6, Walk 5, Run 6, Walk 5 (YIKES!)
Friday--Walk 5, Run 10, Walk 5
Sunday--Walk 5, Run 11, Walk 5
As you can see, Wednesday is looking a little scary! I may do a walking warm-up for my lungs' sake! I will definitely do that one in the afternoon so I don't have to contend with cold air. :)
If you've joined me, how is it going???
In other crafty news...
I have been working steadily on one sewing gift...I hope to finish it today and get it in the mail this afternoon or tomorrow morning!!!! Yea! It is really precious. I will wait to post pictures until the mama has received it.
I will then embark upon a sweater for Gayla's daughter, Lilah. Gayla and Mick adopted Lilah from Ethiopia, and they just got home a week or so ago. She is a DOLL. You should check out Gayla's blog (especially those friends of mine adopting from Ethiopia as well!!!). I can't wait to make this sweater for this sweet girl. I am so blessed to be surrounded by people who have a heart for orphans.
Then...I will make the purse for Christy. I haven't forgotten, friend!!! It's just a little crazy with babies and housekeeping! I love you, and I'm praying for you!!!
And finally, I will make a sweater for Nicole's boy, Calvin. Thankfully, he won't need it until Fall. :) This little one stole my heart. He is a ROLY POLY, and those of you who know me well, know that I want a chubby baby (my kids are always long and lean!). I may have to adopt one. When Nicole runs, Calvin wakes up almost right after she leaves, so I get to run in and snuggle him until she gets back. It does my heart good.
I don't NEED anymore projects, but these were too cute to pass up. While Dave and Sam had Father/Son bonding time last night, Maryn (and Lucy who mainly got into everything) and I had girl time. We SEWED together. This is a DREAM come true...especially after I read Shanda's post yesterday (which had me in tears missing the baby I lost--I so love to make things for my little ones--it was a brief moment, I'm not going off the deep end!). Instead, I made something with (she actually hand-sewed a bit by herself, and she is not even FOUR yet!) and for my big girl, Maryn.
Tutorial HERE.
Bunny Finger Puppets.
Yes, they are as cute as they sound. And now Sam has put in his order for one...and of course, I'll have to make one for Lu even if she doesn't care. :)