Friday, September 10, 2010

Brain Niblets

I'm having some blogger block today. It will probably end up being a bullet point list. Yes, it will.

  • 22 Weeks yesterday--went to the doc, measuring 30 weeks. Boys look good. Blood pressure is awesome--100/60. Altogether uneventful. 15 weeks until term.
  • Dealing with an overachieving child is difficult, especially when he's learning new material in school and is easily frustrated when he doesn't get the answers right the first time.
  • I have a throbbing headache in the base of my skull.
  • It is best to put away the dishes while the toddler is asleep. This prevents her from getting into the dishwasher and making messes.
  • Doing things for others is rewarding unless you do them out of obligation, then it is just exhausting. Note to self: next time, you will say "no."
  • We have one episode of Lost left and then the finale. I'm ready.
  • Does anyone else think Benjamin Linus is the Island's version of Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder version)?
  • I have really missed my husband this week. He has been working so much, and I can tell he's exhausted and drained. I'm looking forward to this weekend with him.
  • I am currently frustrated that Lucy will not play outside for more than 3 seconds without crying, wanting back in only to go right back out.
  • I have appreciated the rain we've received the last few days. It was much needed, and I am hoping our trees don't dry up and change colors like they've been doing so far.
  • I just got sad realizing that the next holiday Dave gets off is Christmas. He hasn't had a holiday off since...Memorial Day. Sheesh. That was three months ago.
  • The good news is that the work day is almost done, and all my favorite people in the world will be under one roof.
Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I can relate to the frustration. I am totally one of those people that wants to do things right (and perfect) the very first time I do them. Completely unreasonable, but true.


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