Because I am a complainer. Discontent. And it flows from my heart to my mind and out my mouth. It's ugly. It has imprisoned me in a state of negativity. The pessimism was so thick, I couldn't see the optimism for the half-empty glasses.
The premise of the book is that it is gratitude that engages us into communion with God. If we can't be thankful in the little things, we aren't worshipping Him, praising Him, or giving Him glory. She began making a list of 1,000 things she loved, and in so doing, she discovered that each was a gift from God, and the mere naming of these things was worship.
I started a journal just for my list.
"Every day, I will reflect on my blessings. I will refuse to complain. I will refuse negativity. I will be thankful. Even when it's hard, I will find that blessing in the pain, the beauty in the ash heap. I will be changed. He will soften my heart. My mind. And my tongue. I will learn to be content."I've only been keeping my list for six days. But I can already tell a difference. I am not giving my mind free reign. The minute a negative thought arises, I find myself telling it, "No, I will not complain. How can I be thankful instead?" Some of you may have noticed my thanksgiving posts on Facebook. They arose out of this. There are enough bad attitudes and complainers on Facebook. I don't need to make it worse.
And you know what I've discovered?
People like to stop and be thankful. They like the positive. They like not thinking about what is wrong with everything.
#3 Dave coming home every day
#9 Felix's coughing laugh
#17 Bob Ross and "happy trees"
#19 My baby in heaven, only mine for a brief moment, but always God's
#20 The way Felix hold's Milo's hand while nursing or sleeping
#24 A heart that keeps hoping
#26 Having my hands full
#31 Sunshine
#32 Hearing the roll of tricycles on the deck
#37 The Helper who helps me to choose the path of holiness and contentment
#39 Lucy's giggle as she runs back to her bed and me trying not to smile
Wanna join me?