Friday, June 17, 2011

Pretty Things

Reading One Thousand Gifts is one of the best things I've ever done in my life.  I am not exaggerating.  It has truly been a huge blessing.  One of the things Ann Voskamp encourages is taking photos and using the camera as a way to document your thankfulness.  I took her advice this morning and went around my house and outdoors looking for beauty--looking for the blessings He so abundantly supplies.

My $5 vase

My anniversary gift this year: a Hakuro Nashiki Willow

My homemade kitchen curtains

Work in progress


Sunlight in the Trees

The Diaper Rainbow

A Gift


  1. Fun...that book is on my must get list.

    That cross looks like one I saw in Ethiopia when I was there...did you get that from the Crawford's or Jones'?!?! I love it!!

  2. @Alecia
    It is from Ethiopia! I got it from my friend, Joanna (aka She got it in Korah when she went to meet the baby she is adopting. Good eye!


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