Thursday, August 6, 2009

Curses and Reading Lists

I was casting some spells on blogger last night. You'd think putting ads in would be a cinch. Not so, dear friends. I ended up putting them in as you see them now. I promise I will make it more appealing. Later. I am too irritated to try again. But, they're functional for the time being, so let it ride.

Since we don't have TV (this is only temporary--the Fall season will start in a month!), I've found some books for reading. Here's my list (some have yet to arrive from Amazon):
  • He Loves Me : Learning to Live in the Father's Affection--Wayne Jacobsen (mentioned this one in my last post)
  • The Total Money Makeover--Dave Ramsey
  • Christianish--Mark Steele (friend from Tulsa; has two other great books, Flashbang and Half-Life, Die Already)
  • Loving our Kids on Purpose--Danny Silk (on grace-based parenting--very excited about this one)
  • Understanding Prophetic People: Blessings and Problems with the Prophetic Gift--R. Loren Sanford (I so need to read this to better understand myself...Dave is going to have to read it too!)

What are you reading? I need a good fiction...probably should take a look at our book club list.


  1. One of the best fiction books I've read recently is called "Moloka'i" by Alan Brennert . . . it's a historical fiction about the leper colony on the island of Molokai here in Hawaii during the early 1900's . . . very beautiful story, one of those ones you can't put down.

  2. haven't read in a LONG time (too long), but i always love Mary Higgins Clark. my sister says her new one is great. i have it...haven't started it yet :)

  3. I read you in my google reader so I don't see the adds...sorry. I just started reading Seasons of a Mother's Heart by Sally Clarkson, Hints on Child Training by H.Clay Trumbull and Fun Projects for hands on Character Building. Good times!

  4. ok, so i am one chapter shy of finishing "Habits of a Child's Heart" and it is fabulous. it is a well-written, practical, and applicable book on teaching the 12 Christian Disciplines to your children. and it is totally anti-legalism, so it really is helpful.


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