Sunday, April 11, 2010

Crystal Bowersox and Eagerly Anticipated News

I love me some Bowersox. Seriously. She is the best contestant I've ever seen on American Idol. Of course, I haven't watched every season. She and Casey James are my favorites, and I am pretty dang sure I'll be buying albums from both of them. I'm even contemplating buying some iTunes on 'em right now.

I really like how relaxed they are on stage. I dig that they can play instruments and that they consistently sound good. Anyways, they are my pick for the TOP TWO. Don't know why I felt I needed to share my American Idol picks with you, but there you go.

Also, sorry for being a Debbie Downer over the last week. The funk took over, and I yielded to its pity party. Thankfully, Jesus is still the same, loving me and leading me patiently through it. Please don't worry about me--surely you have days like that too! Thanks for all the sweet love I've received. I really appreciate it.

As for this news I've been referring to for the past week...

DRUMROLL, PLEASE............................................................................................

We are going to homeschool. Surpised? We are! Let me tell ya a little about our journey in this arena. I posed a question, asking for opinions on my old blog a few years ago--you can read the entry and comments HERE. People are pretty opinionated when it comes to what kind of schooling you use for your kids. I have been one of those people.

No more. I have turned over a new leaf.

I am eating crow. Lots and lots of crow. Mmmmm, tasty.

I always said I would not homeschool unless we were in a jungle somewhere. Well, small-town Arkansas is our jungle, I guess. :) When we moved here, I found out about a church-run pre-k and kindergarten. It didn't go beyond that, so public school would inevitably be the destination following kindergarten.

I loved that the church school is four days a week, 8-12. Wonderful. But I knew I couldn't send Sam there for one year and then bring him home. He would be really sad, I'm pretty sure. But, the only other alternative was to send him to the public school. I was not really thrilled that the public school does not teach phonics at all. I have heard that the teachers and administration at the public school are wonderful people. I don't doubt that.

But, I have zero peace about sending the kids there. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

The Holy Spirit leads us into all truth in peace. I got a text the other day notifying me that the applications for church school were available. My head started to swim. I had so many thoughts and questions I'd never considered before.

I hadn't prayed about it--beyond the fact that I knew the Lord said I didn't HAVE TO homeschool. I liked that. I felt peace that my decision was still mine. This time, though, I just realized how my biggest reason not to homeschool was fear.

Fear of failure.
Fear of ruining my kids.
Fear of responsibility.

Dave and I prayed over our decision, and the Lord quickly made it clear that He has equipped me to do this. I love how gentle He is. I love how he gives me the room to make a decision. I don't feel that if I sent the kids to school I would be out of His will--I just know that this is a better decision for our family right now.

That's another thing. We are taking this a year at a time. We are not sold out to it or committed beyond THIS YEAR. We are open to new directions from the Lord. We always want to do what is best for our kids, and for now, that is homeschooling.


I have been chatting with homeschooling moms about their kindergarten experiences, and I keep getting the same answer. Keep it simple. So, I am. I haven't fully decided on my curriculum, but I have very good ideas for what I want to use.

It looks as if I will also be joining a LOW KEY co-op in a nearby town. I think it will be fun--especially because I will have friends there already. Sam is super excited about that.

I'm actually excited about this. I never thought I would be!

I'm experiencing a new level of confidence about it as well. That is relieving to have peace AND feel confident.

So, that's my news. We are homeschooling. Kind of anti-climatic, don't you think?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love me some Bowersox, and Casey James kind of gives me the heebies, but he won me over last week. I think you will be an excellent teacher for Sam. I think it will also help you either get more structured/disciplined with your time or just give you a great priority so you don't feel as guilty about all the other stuff that doesn't get done (aka: housework!). :)

  3. I am happy you have made a decision that gives you peace. I have no doubts you will do a great job. And remember...have fun with it. Learning is such fun!

  4. Yay to all of it! We love Bowersox too, and Sophie digs her because she's a diabetic. :-)

    I LOVE homeschooling. I never thought I would do it, or enjoy it. But it is a thrill to watch your child learn something new. I love being their primary influence (except on my bad days, and then I pray God undoes my grumpy influence in them. Ha!) My house is a wreck most days, but my kids are getting what they need from me and I like that. I used "five in a row" for kindergarten and liked it (it includes all of the "subjects" in one week based on one book for the week). I also think you could do phonics, reading to them a lot, playing a lot, and some simple math. Throw in a daily bible story and draw a picture sometimes, and you will give them way more than the public schools would have given. There are a million options. They learn so much from life and getting along with their siblings. I've seen much stranger kids in schools than I've met among my homeschool friends. has great reading lists too. If you're looking for an excuse to come back to Tulsa and be overwhelmed/inspired, the tulsa homeschool convention is April 20th and 21st.

    I'm not surprised at all that you decided to do this. So fun!!

  5. I don't understand how you can learn to read without phonics. Seriously. I can't wait to hear what you teach, and what you learn. Maybe someday I'll ask you what to do for Kindergarten. MAYBE. =)

  6. It is hard for me to believe they don't do any phonics either. Wow! I've heard of those schools, but I suppose I didn't really believe they existed.

    We brought Brooke home for academic reasons as well, but I've enjoyed all the other benefits so much I can't image giving her back.

    I agree about keeping it simple. Try not to worry too much about curriculum. I know that is almost impossible. If you keep homeschooling, this K5 year will teach you what you need to know about yourself and your student to be able to make better decisions in the future. There is no perfect curriculum. No matter what you pick you will probably always change it up a little.

  7. Great news! Very wise to take it one year at a time and keep your kids at the forfront of your choices. I have no doubt you'll do a GREAT job :) Exciting!

    I also LOVE Crystal Bowersox. She is light years above the others. Reminds me of the year Chris Daughtry was was unfathomable that he didn't win. If she doesn't win I will be shocked.

  8. I am a big Bowersox fan as well!

    I am also a homeschooling fan, you will do fantastic, and it will be fun to read about your journey as you go along!

    lots of love,


  9. Have fun! Kindergarten is so exciting. :)


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