The madness has continued. I have loved it all. Almost.
I got into a stinky mood while we were in the hotel room in KC. I just couldn't bear being cooped up in there during naptime. Naps never happened (as they don't in hotel rooms), so we ended up going out and working on some Christmas presents for the grandparents. I can't say exactly what we worked on because the grandparents read the blog. :)
We were able to go to IHOP (International House of Prayer) in KC and spend some time in the prayer room, worshipping with our brothers and sisters. It was truly a blessed time. Lucy had several people offer prayers for her--which was so special. I look forward to seeing those things materialize in her life.
We went out for dinner with some of my former students (now friends!), Tim and Anna. We took them to an Indian restaurant for their first Indian experience. The food took FOREVER and Maryn broke a plate, but it was some of the tastiest Indian food I've ever had. I think Tim and Anna enjoyed themselves.
We headed to NWA (Northwest Arkansas) for Lucy's birthday party with our families. It was fun and so good to see everyone. Lucy received a lot of clothes and some sweet little toys just for her (not ones she's inherited from her brother and sister). :) I also received some lovely presents. I am so blessed.
The blessings haven't stopped.
Dave distracted me on the way home, and took a detour to Ft. Smith where we stopped to stay the night with our friends, Brian and Megan. He tricked me! I was so glad he was able to...he slips up and I'm too nosy. Not a good combo for surprises! Our kids are having a blast playing with Alice's toys, and it has been fun to visit with our friends.
We leave here after lunch and head home where a few more things await...
This has been the best birthday ever. It isn't the stuff I've gotten but the time and thoughtfulness of my husband that has been the most special. Dave learned a long time ago that my birthday is a big deal to me. So, he rose to meet the challenge!
Lucy Claire is my favorite birthday present, for the 2nd time! She is such a blessing of a child. I can't help but recall the beauty of her birth--the pain I embraced, the lessons the Holy Spirit taught me. You can go back to this time last year on
my old blog to read about it. Children are a blessing from the LORD. A blessing and NOT a burden. Thank you, Lord, for my precious children!!!
Thank you, birthday well-wishers (here and on Facebook) who have reminded me that I am loved. I love you, too.
I'm 30!!!!