Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Couch to 5K

Okay, so my friend, Marla, is running. A lot. Like 11 miles right now. Insane? Yes. I'm so proud of her, and so motivated. Marla is Miss Motivational. She makes you believe you can really do anything you want.

So, I asked her how in the world did you go from giving birth to running 11 miles? She is training for a half marathon that she will run in a few weeks. That's 13 miles, folks. 13. She gave birth four months ago.

I gave birth 16 months ago. Ahem.

So, I am inspired.

Marla directed me to a site called Couch to 5K. So, I thought, I can do this.

I can do this.

You get a day of rest in between each day you run. I can live with this.

Our problem is childcare. So, I either have to get up early before Dave leaves (by 6 right now while the runs are short) or I have to do it when he's home. C'mon Daylight Savings Time!!! I need more light in the evenings. As the runs get longer, I may have to hire a sitter to watch the kids while I run. But I am going to do this. I want to. I need to. I feel so much better when I exercise--it's just good. And running around my house is hard--there are hills in every direction, no lie. So I am getting a good workout.

Today was Day 3. I ran a little extra today as I was freezing cold. But it felt so good, and it woke me up. I was out there at 6am. Proud of me, anyone??? Especially if you know what I'm like in the morning...

Now, I've been thinking about this. I am going to blog my way through this. I am going to take a break from my regular musings (although they may find their way into my posts as I learn more about myself and God through this adventure), and I am going to be blogging about my progress with running. I hope you'll stick around to see how I'm doing.

This is not going to be nearly as delicious as Julie and Julia. But, I hope I will feel as rewarded at the end of it. 10 weeks to learn to run 3 miles.

I'm gonna do it. Wanna join me?


  1. Man I DO want to join you... but don't see it happening. Marla is the woman. I too had a baby 4 months ago and can't imagine running right now. Can't imagine these girls liking that too much right now either!!

  2. Amanda~ I just saw your footprint on my xanga feedback and said, "that's it! i simply MUST get to her site NOW." I'm so sorry it's been a long time since I've read about your life....I've missed your blog. Thanks for still comin' back to xanga to "see" us there....I'm adding your site to my favorites today and will be a regular visitor (as best I can!)

    My husband is running like a mad-man. He is in the best shape of his life and I'm getting rounder and softer with pregnancy! He is watching every single thing he eats. I get a little nervous around him, because I just can't be THAT disciplined right now. However, I am trying to walk at least 3 times a week on the treadmill, for 1 or 1.5 miles at a time...just to get the heart rate going a bit, and it actually feels good on my back and legs to walk like that. Now that it's getting toward milder weather, I look forward to walking outside more.

    Good luck on your 5K! You can do it!!! (said like a cheerleader!)

  3. Yes, you CAN do it. And running is one of those things that just gets better. You feel great, and you get to where you want and need to run. I'm excited for you. Do great.

  4. Someday I'm going to do that too. Right now I'm hoping to start training for daily showers. =)

  5. good for you! and, heck yes, i'll keep reading. really,... where am i gonna go? not sure if i'm gonna join you on the running - my ankle and back are not up for any kind of running these days - but i've been walking more. it's tricky when you have hills in all directions - we have the same problem. grr. enjoy!!

  6. Boy I wish I could! I have horrible knees, always have. But as soon as I get the go ahead from my doctor at my 6 week checkup, I am going to start doing my Walk Away the Pounds video and walking when the weather lets me! :0) Good luck- run for me!

  7. So totally impressive! I am amazed at runners...the stamina, the will power, the stickittoitiveness!! Way to go!


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