Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 15--Couch to 5K--New Shoe Trial

Even though today was a rest day, I just couldn't wait to try out my new sneakers (by the way, do you call them "tennis shoes" or "sneakers"?). My GPS got confused and said I ran 6 miles...said I ran 2.5 minute miles. That was not even close.

I went 1.23 miles, 15 minutes. I fudged a little on the timing. I walked 5, ran 6, and walked 4. I was feeling pretty good and strong about the running. I maintained my pace pretty well even though I had to climb a hill halfway through the running portion. I don't know what is normal. When I run, I average about 8:45-9:30 minute miles. I would love to be a 7 minute miler, but that seems far, far away.

I feel great. I was feeling a little puny after a rough night with Lucy. She threw up 5 times. Poor child. It was so pitiful. Dave bathed her while I cleaned up her bed. With the time change, I was tired. Dave took the big kids to church with him. He led the S.S. class today. It was nice to have a quiet house and rest with Lu Lu. She has kept everything down today (mostly water, bread, and applesauce). I'm glad she's feeling better. I just hope no one else gets it! Me especially!!! It's extra trying when mamas get sick.

Dave is going to join me in the running this week. I'm so excited. I think he is going to enjoy himself. We're talking about running a race together a couple of weeks after the one I'm scheduled to run. We'll see if he wants to.

About the shoes---they performed great. I was quite pleased, though I think I may have had my laces a tad too tight. One spot was rubbing a bit and felt bruised. Hmmm.

This week is supposed to be beautiful and sunny. I'm ready for it! Spring comes on Saturday!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for Spring...I've been unpatiently waiting! :-) By the way...I say Tennis shoes or tennies! :-)


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